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Westland Retirement Association Westland Retirement Association Westland Retirement Association
Pension Information
Pension Information We have put links under Pensions to help with pension queries, these links include contact details, please take a look. How to:- Go to the home page, then "How to Join us" and click on Pensions on the right hand side. Click on the link to obtain the information. more »

Wednesday 23rd October
9:30am - 12:00pm

Today we will welcome David Giles with RBL. Remembrance

Thursday 24th October
10:45am - 12:15pm

Come along and sing along with the choir

Welcome to the AgustaWestland Retirement Association.

Established in 1981 for the purpose of providing support, social, educational, and recreational activities for the benefit of its members, and to enable them to have an active and enjoyable retirement.

The membership at present is free, and is open to any retired employee of the Westland Group of Companies including AgustaWestland, and the present Leonardo.


You can come to one of our regular Coffee Mornings, introduce yourself and complete an Application Form. This will be registered by the Membership Secretary and you will recieve a lifetime Membership card. If this is not possible, you can alternatively request the same form from the Membership Secretary when you Select the "CONTACT US BUTTON".

Coffee Mornings are at WESTLANDS LEISURE CENTRE.

Afternoon Bingo is held at The Old Barn Club

Please look at "WHAT"S ON" for Coffee Mornings, Bingo and Ramble details.

Look under "Holiday & Trips" for details of Day Trips and Holidays

When viewing the website from now on there will be some changes of where you will find different things.

We will change the scrolling images on a regular basis as more pictures become available.

The Ramble photos you used to look at in News, in future you will be able to find them in Recent Events, also here any event or trip that we have more details of or pictures  will be put under this title, i.e. see annual outing.

You will find more pictures of events etc. in Gallery.

To find the names of trade persons who have been recommended by your AWRA friends, Go to "How to join us" then on the right hand side under "In this section" you will see information, just click on this for the list.

If you wish to contact us with pictures or queries please use one of the methods you will find in Contact us. or see a member of your committee at a coffee morning.



About the Association & How to Join

Welcome to the AgustaWestland Retirement Association.

Established in 1981 for the purpose of providing support, social, educational, and recreational activities for the benefit of its members, and to enable them to have an active and enjoyable retirement.

The membership at present is free, and is open to any retired employee of the Westland Group of Companies including AgustaWestland, and the present Leonardo.

Please look at the Association Constitution below to see how you could become a member.

Also look at the link that tells you all about this Association's history.

We meet at various venues, the main one being the Westland Entertainment Centre, Westbourne Close, Yeovil, Somerset, BA20 2DD. Please click on to "HOW TO CONTACT US" and "HOW TO JOIN" the Association.


How to join

You can come to one of our regular Coffee Mornings, introduce yourself and complete an Application Form. This will be registered by the Membership Secretary and you will recieve a lifetime Membership card. If this is not possible, you can alternatively request the same form from the Membership Secretary when you Select the "CONTACT US BUTTON".

Some of you may recieve as part of your Retirement Pension information an Application Form, to be returned to the Membership Secretary if you so desire. In each case return the completed form to the Membership Secretary.

As you have read in the "Constitution" there are THREE specific classes of membership.

Which one is for you.



of the
(as adopted by its members at the General Meeting held on 20th March 2019,
to take effect on 21st March 2019)



This constitution has been adopted in substitution in its entirety of the existing constitutions of the “AgustaWestland Retirement Association”, the “AgustaWestland Retirement Association – Yeovil Branch” and all bye-laws for the Isle of Wight and Weston-super-Mare branches.

2.  NAME

The name of the association is the AgustaWestland Retirement Association (the “Association”).


The objectives of the Association are:

3.1. to promote, in the interests of members, support for the heritage of and links with the Helicopters division of Leonardo MW Ltd and its predecessor AgustaWestland and Westland businesses (the “Company”); 


3.2. to help members to have an active and enjoyable retirement;


3.3. to promote and organise social, educational and recreational activities for the benefit of its members; and


3.4. to provide facilities and support for meetings and activities of the members.



The Association is not a proprietary club of the Company but it does enjoy the continued support and assistance of the Company, including its participation in meetings of the governing committee from time to time, the making available of premises from time to time for meetings and functions, financial and administrative support and the right to use current or legacy Company names.  Given this close relationship between the Association and the Company each member acknowledges that they have a responsibility to ensure that they conduct themselves in an appropriate manner at all times that is respectful of that relationship.




5.1. There shall be the following three classes of membership of the Association (together, the “Members”):


5.1.1 Ordinary Members – A person who is aged no less than 55 years of age or who retired on grounds of ill health who has accumulated a minimum of 5 years continuous service with the Company and who has retired from full time employment shall be eligible for membership of the Association as an “Ordinary Member”.


5.1.2. Associate Members – Not being in full time employment, the  following shall be eligible for a 'lifetime' membership of the Association as an “Associate Member”: a person who is the spouse, civil partner or cohabiting life partner of an Ordinary Member; a person who, at the relevant time, was the spouse, civil partner or cohabiting life partner of an employee of the Company that died in service; a retired former employee of the Company who has less than 5 years’ continuous service with the Company at any time.



5.1.3 Social Members – Relatives and friends of an Ordinary Member or Associate Member that are not in full time employment shall be eligible for membership of the Association as a “Social Member”, limited to such maximum number of Social Members per Ordinary or Associate Member as may be imposed by the Committee (defined below).

The approval of an application to become a Social Member of the Association shall be at the sole discretion of the Committee, acting by a simple majority.


5.2.  For the purposes of this Article 5, when calculating a person’s eligibility to be a member by reference to their period of continuous employment with the Company all periods of employment with any associated undertaking of the Company at the relevant time shall be included and the phrase “an employee of the Company” shall be construed accordingly.


5.3 All members of the Association as at 13 April 2016 are Ordinary Members. 


5.4. All issues and decisions concerning an individual’s membership shall be the responsibility of the Committee.


5.5. Save as otherwise provided for elsewhere in the Constitution and subject to any bye-laws of the Association in place from time to time, the rights attaching to membership shall be as follows:


5.5.1. Use and enjoyment – Every Member may use and enjoy in common with the other Members such premises, facilities, resources and activities as are made available from time to time by the Association for the purposes of the Association;



5.5.2. General Meetings – Every Member shall be entitled to receive notice of and attend any general meeting of the Association;


5.5.3. Voting – Ordinary Members and members of the Committee shall be entitled to vote at any general meeting of the Association. On each matter put to a vote, whether on a show of hands or on a ballot, an Ordinary Member shall have one vote only;


5.5.4. Committees – Only Ordinary Members and Associate Members may be elected to the Committee.


5.6. Ordinary and Associate Members may invite friends and relatives (“Visitors”) to activities of the Association up to four times each year. Visitors are required to sign a visitor’s book and to pay such Subscriptions or Fees as appropriate for that activity. The participation of visitors in any activity may be varied or limited by the Committee in such ways as it, at its sole discretion, considers appropriate.


5.7. When an activity or event is organised or administered by the Association and there is a maximum limit on the numbers of Members that can participate in that activity or event, priority shall be given to Ordinary and Associate Members (but in no right of priority as between Ordinary and Associate Members) over Social Members and Visitors.


5.8. Any Member may resign their membership by giving notice in writing to that effect to the Membership Secretary, such notice shall be deemed to take immediate effect on receipt.




6.1. Applications for membership shall be made as follows:


6.1.1. for Ordinary Membership to the Membership Secretary for approval;


6.1.2. for Associate Membership for persons that qualify under Article, by the relevant Ordinary Member to the Membership Secretary;


6.1.3. for Associate Membership for persons that qualify under Article and, to the Membership Secretary;


6.1.4. for Social Membership, by the relevant Ordinary or Associate Member sponsoring the applicant(s) to the Committee.  

The approval of an application shall be at the sole discretion of the Membership Secretary or the Committee, as may apply.  On approval of an application by the Committee it shall notify the Membership Secretary and the applicant shall become a Member of the Association of the relevant class applied for.


6.2.  The Committee or the Membership Secretary, as applicable, shall not be required to provide a reason for any rejected application but shall be obliged to notify an applicant in writing that the application has been rejected.


6.3. Each new Member shall be issued with a unique membership card showing the class of Membership which is to be available for inspection at activities of the Association.


6.4. The Membership Secretary shall maintain a register of all Members, together with such contact information as each Member shall provide from time to time.  In providing personal information, each Member authorises the Committee to use the same for the purposes of communications only on matters in connection with Association affairs. 



The Association can, at its discretion, raise funds by either Subscriptions or Fees to provide the necessary income in support of its Member activities.



8.1. The Association shall be managed by a committee (the “Committee”) comprised of five Elected Officers and up to seven Committee Members as described in more detail below.


8.2. The Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Membership Secretary, General Secretary and Treasurer (the “Elected Officers”) shall be elected by the Ordinary Members at each AGM (as defined below).  They shall serve from one AGM to the next and shall retire annually at the AGM but each shall be eligible for re-election.  To be eligible for election as an Elected Officer a Member must notify the General Secretary of their intention to stand no less than 14 days prior to the relevant AGM, such notification to state the post that they are standing for together with a signed confirmation from one other Member seconding their candidacy.  A candidate may not vote on their own election. Where a post is contested, election shall be by ballot,on a “first past the post” basis.  In the event of a tie, a further ballot of the Members shall be held only as between those candidates that are tied.  In the event that there is only one candidate for a post no vote of the Members shall be necessary.


8.3. Up to seven other Committee Members (the “Committee Members”) shall be elected by the Ordinary Members at the AGM. They shall serve from one AGM to the next and shall retire annually at the AGM but each shall be eligible for re-election. To be eligible for election as a Committee Member a Member must notify the General Secretary of their intention to stand no less than 14 days prior to the relevant AGM, together with a signed confirmation from one other Member seconding their candidacy. A candidate may not vote on their own election. Where fewer candidates remain standing than the remaining number of positions to provide a committee of twelve, no vote of the Members shall be necessary. Where more than twelve candidates stand for election at the AGM, Ordinary Members will be issued with ballot papers, containing the names of all the candidates seeking election. Candidates that have been elected as Officers shall be excluded from the ballot.  Members will be advised to vote for a specific maximum number of candidates to fill the remainder of the twelve places on the Committee. Election shall be by ballot, on a “first past the post” basis. In the event of a tie, a further ballot of the Members shall be held only as between those candidates that are tied.


8.4. The Committee may nominate one of the seven Committee Members to be an Ordinary or Associate Member to represent other Meeting Locations (the “Locations Committee Member”). The Locations Committee Member will not be subject to appointment under Rule 8.3 but rather shall be appointed by the Committee in consultation with members at the Locations. The Locations Committee Member will be expected to attend the AGM and may otherwise contribute to Committee business in writing (by letter or email).


8.5. The Company shall nominate two representatives (a President and Vice-President) to liaise with the Committee concerning the relationship of the Association with the Company. The representatives may attend meetings of the Association and its Committee but shall not be Members of the Association for the purposes of voting at a meeting of the Members.  


8.6. The quorum for any meeting of the Committee shall be seven of whom no less than three are Elected Officers.


8.7. Each member of the Committee shall have one vote on a matter put to the vote at a committee meeting.  In the event of an equality of votes the Chairperson shall have a casting vote.  Save as otherwise provided in this Constitution or in any bye-laws, a simple majority shall be required to pass a matter put to the vote of the Committee.


8.8. Committee meetings shall be held approximately once a month. The General Secretary shall keep a written record of all business conducted at its meetings. 


8.9. The Committee shall otherwise regulate its own proceedings acting by a simple majority.


8.10. The Committee may fill any casual vacancy that occurs in its number. 


8.11. A member of the Committee may be removed from the Committee by a unanimous vote of all other Committee Members.


8.12. The Committee may from time to time invite other Members to attend and contribute to Committee meetings (but shall not be entitled to count toward the quorum nor vote at such meeting) and/or may delegate certain activities or responsibilities to a Member where the Committee considers it appropriate in all the circumstances to do so.




9.1. The Committee may from time to time make, vary and revoke bye-laws not inconsistent with this Constitution to regulate the internal affairs of the Association and the conduct of the Members and which shall be binding on the Members.  All new bye-laws, or amendments or revocations to existing bye-laws implemented by the Committee must be ratified by the Ordinary Members at the next AGM.


9.2. All bye-laws shall be binding on the Members until revoked by the Committee.




10.1. The Association typically conducts its meetings in the Yeovil area (the Company’s main operating base) but meetings may also be located in the areas of other former operating bases (each a “Location”). As at the effective date of this Constitution there is a single Location at the Isle of Wight.


10.2. Meetings at all Locations will be governed by this Constitution but may also adopt bye-laws if required, provided that those bye-laws do not conflict with this Constitution or the law.  A copy of all proposed bye-laws must be submitted to the Committee for review and comment prior to adoption.


10.3. Records of any formal proceedings and of any assets will be kept for submission prior to each AGM to the General Secretary and Treasurer (see 13.6 below) respectively. 




11.1. If at any time the Committee considers that the interests of the Association or the Company require that they must cancel the membership of a Member, then the General Secretary shall notify that Member in writing specifying the reasons for the cancellation and the date on which the cancellation shall become effective, being no less than 14 days from the date of issue (an “Expulsion Notice”).


11.2. A Member that receives an Expulsion Notice shall be entitled to request in writing prior to the due date of expulsion to the General Secretary a hearing of the Special Committee, to be properly convened on reasonable notice, at which the expelled Member shall be allowed to offer an explanation of their conduct verbally or in writing. The decision by the Special Committee to reinstate or uphold the expulsion notice is final and binding on the member (16.1). The reinstatement of a Member may be subject to such conditions or limits on their Membership as the Special Committee may decide. 




12.1. At any general meeting of the Members (a “General Meeting”) the quorum shall be 25 Ordinary Members present in person.  Members may not attend a General Meeting by appointment of a proxy.


12.2. Notice of the agenda, date, time and place of a General Meeting shall be given in accordance with Article 18.2 at least 30 days before the date of the meeting.  Shorter notice of not less than 14 days may be given in exceptional circumstances for a General Meeting (not being an AGM) where a matter is deemed urgent by, and at the sole discretion of, the General Secretary.


12.3. Any person who wishes to move a resolution or motion at a General Meeting shall send the text of the resolution or motion and the names of the proposer and seconder to the General Secretary and otherwise in accordance with any instructions relating to resolutions or motions which may accompany the agenda. 


12.4. The Chairperson may exercise their discretion as to whether to accept amendments and motions or resolutions to the agenda of a General Meeting which have not been received prior to it or which do not (in all material respects) conform to instructions.


12.5. The General Secretary shall minute all General Meetings which shall be agreed to as a true record of the business transacted at the next following General Meeting.


12.6. Save as otherwise provided for in this Constitution or any bye-laws, any motion or resolution put to the vote of the Ordinary Members at a General Meeting shall be passed by a simple majority. In the event of an equality of votes the Chairperson shall have a casting vote.


12.7. The Association shall hold an annual General Meeting (the “AGM”) once in each calendar year, normally in April unless otherwise agreed by the Members at the previous General Meeting. The business of the AGM shall include, but not be limited to:


12.7.1. the annual report of the outgoing Chairperson;


12.7.2. the annual report of the outgoing Treasurer;


12.7.3. the annual report of the outgoing General Secretary;


12.7.4. the adoption of the Accounts (as defined below);


12.7.5. the retirement of the current Chairperson,  Vice-Chairperson, Membership Secretary, Treasurer and  General Secretary;


12.7.6. the election of the new Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Membership Secretary, Treasurer and General Secretary; and


12.7.7. the conduct of any other business appointed in accordance with any bye-laws.


12.8. All General Meetings, other than the AGM, may be called either (i) by the  Committee at any time or (ii) by the Committee upon receipt by the General Secretary of a requisition requesting a General Meeting signed by not less than 20 Ordinary Members and specifying the purpose for which the meeting is to be called.


12.9. All Associate Members (other than the Committee Members) and Social Members attending a General Meeting are required to indicate their presence to the General Secretary prior to the first vote thereat.




13.1. The Treasurer shall have day to day responsibility for the management of the Association’s financial affairs and shall arrange for the opening and running of such bank accounts as the Committee determines.  The mandate for making payments from Association accounts shall require two signatures, being the Treasurer and one of two other Committee members as it shall nominate.


13.2. All funds received or raised by the Association (“Association Funds”) shall be paid into one of the Association’s bank accounts for the time being.  For the avoidance of doubt, funds received or raised for meetings at a particular Location shall be ear-marked for the sole benefit of that Location.


13.3. Any application for Association funds for any activities of the Association shall be subject to the prior approval of the Committee. 


13.4. Committee members who incur expenses while undertaking activities on behalf of the Association shall be entitled to be reimbursed from Association funds, provided that such expenses were properly and reasonably incurred.


13.5. No payments shall be made from Association funds without the Treasurer being in receipt of an authorised invoice or an expense form.


13.6. A copy of accounts relating to activities at all Locations must be provided for each calendar year ending 31 December by the February of the following year to the Treasurer.


13.7. The Treasurer shall prepare accounts of the Association for the year to 31 December (the “Accounts”) and shall submit them to the Independent Examiner (defined below) for scrutiny.


13.8. The Committee shall appoint either (i) a qualified accountant or (ii) if available, two suitably qualified Members (provided that those Members are not members of the Committee the “Independent Examiner(s)”) to scrutinise and audit the Accounts, such audit to be completed prior to the Committee Meeting to be held in the April of each year at which the audited Accounts shall be approved for presentation to the Members at the AGM. 


13.9. A copy of the audited Accounts shall be circulated by the General Secretary to the Members at the AGM.


13.10. Professional advisors shall only be engaged by the Association with the prior approval of the Committee, such services shall be funded from Association Funds.




Any Association funds not immediately required may be invested by the Committee in an interest bearing bank account on such terms as it sees fit.



15.1. Amendments to this Constitution shall require the affirmative vote of not less than 75 per cent of Ordinary Members who are present at a General Meeting convened for that purpose.


15.2. All proposed amendments to the Constitution must have the support of at least two Members, a proposer and a seconder.  The proposer and seconder must identify themselves and deliver the wording and rationale for all proposed amendments in writing to the General Secretary no later than six weeks prior to the date of a General Meeting in order for the proposed amendments to be considered thereat.


15.3. The General Secretary shall as soon as is reasonably practicable make available all proposed amendments to the Constitution in advance of the relevant General Meeting on the Association’s website or by post on request.




16.1. Any dispute or difference that may arise as to the meaning or interpretation of this Constitution or any bye-laws in place from time to time or as to the powers of the Committee, the validity of any election or proceeding of the Committee, shall be determined by a special committee of the Association comprised of the President, Vice President and Chairperson (the “Special Committee”) acting unanimously.  The decision of the Special Committee is final and binding on all Members.  


16.2. If any member of a Special Committee has a conflict with the matter under consideration then they must report that to the other members of the Special Committee and another member of the Committee that does not have a conflict with the matter to be determined shall replace them.




17.1. The Association or a Location shall be dissolved at any time by a Resolution passed by not less than 75 per cent of Ordinary Members at a General Meeting convened for that purpose.


17.2. Where a Resolution to dissolve the Association or a Location is passed in accordance with Article 17.1, any assets held by or in the name of the Association or Location shall be donated to a charity (or charities) chosen by the majority of those members present at the time of the vote to dissolve the Association or a Location.




18.1. All notices required to be given to Members under this Constitution or any bye-laws in force from time to time may be given either by (i) prepaid letter or (ii) e-mail provided that such correspondence is addressed to the relevant Member at the last postal or e-mail address which they have furnished to the General Secretary.  It is each Member’s responsibility to ensure that their contact details are kept current.


18.2. A notice of a General Meeting shall only be displayed on the Association’s website (web address: and a copy of the previous General Meeting Minutes shall be displayed on the locations Noticeboard within a reasonable time of the AGM, unless a Member has notified the General Secretary in writing in advance that they require a postal or e-mail notification. 

18.3. If, for whatever reason, any Member may have difficulty in accessing, reading or understanding any notice or other communication of the Association then they should notify the General Secretary who shall endeavour to facilitate such access where practicable.












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